How To Find Us

Lake View
ETON Lake View is located directly between Asbury Park and Ocean Grove along Lake Ave which is a carless pathway on the southern edge of Wesley Lake in Ocean Grove. It is easily accessible by both train and car.
While Lake Ave offers an extraordinarily safe and scenic experience when you're at the property, it does not have dedicated parking on site and requires a small walk to and from your vehicle for parking. There are parking options available in both towns and we provide a small buggy to help carry belongings back and forth to your vehicle. Ocean Grove offers free parking along the boardwalk and all around town.
For the closest walk to our property you should park along Seaview Ave, specifically between Beach & Central Aves. The northern end of town near the Great Auditorium fills up quickly during peak times. If you are having trouble finding a parking spot, try the west and south side of town. Ocean Grove is only a square mile in size, making it bike and walking friendly!
Asbury Park offer metered on street parking and 4 pay-to-park lots. The best location in Asbury Park is the lot directly in front of the Asbury Park Casino. When looking out one of our porches, this lot is directly in front of you across the water. To walk to and from this lot, you can go around the lake by the boardwalk or use the first bridge making it a breeze.
If traveling by train we are a quick 0.6 mile walk from NJ Transit's Asbury Park train station.
ETON Lake View must be accessed from the waterfront path along Wesley Lake between Beach and Central Aves in Ocean Grove. It is the blue house with an "ETON Lake View" sign hanging above the ground floor porch. We are also between two grass lots.
From either town please follow the dotted pathway to the star as outlined in our "How To Find Us" photos.

ETON Sea View is located directly between Asbury Park and Ocean Grove along Seaview Ave in Ocean Grove. It is easily accessible by both train and car. The property does not have dedicated parking on site and can require a small walk to and from your vehicle for parking during busy times. There are parking options available in both towns and we provide a small buggy to help carry belongings back and forth to your vehicle. Ocean Grove offers free parking along the boardwalk and all around town.
For the closest walk to our property you should park along Seaview Ave, specifically between Beach & Central Aves. The northern end of town near the Great Auditorium fills up quickly during peak times. If you are having trouble finding a parking spot, try the west and south side of town. Ocean Grove is only a square mile in size, making it bike and walking friendly!
Asbury Park offer metered on street parking and 4 pay-to-park lots. The best location in Asbury Park is the lot directly in front of the Asbury Park Casino. When standing at the back of our house, this lot is directly in front of you across the lake. To walk to and from this lot, you can go around the lake by the boardwalk or use the first bridge making it a breeze.
If traveling by train we are a quick 0.6 mile walk from NJ Transit's Asbury Park train station.
ETON Sea View is the light grey house with an "ETON Sea View" sign hanging above the ground floor porch. We are next to a grass lot.
Sea View